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Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1

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Keluarnya motor terbaru produk dari Yamaha yaitu All New Jupiter Z1 yang menjadi motor bebek pertamanya yang memilki teknologi Fuel Injection, motor ini terkenal dengan karakter kecepatannya.
Mesin baru All New Jupiter Z1 yang membuat performance-nya meningkat 20 persen karena mengadopsi teknologi motor balap YZ Crankshaft Technology, Low Friction Technology dan Forged Piston. YZ Crankshaft Technology meningkatkan akselerasi dan torsi, sudah digunakan di motor trail Yamaha YZ450F. All New Jupiter Z1 yang diluncurkan Yamaha dengan Low Friction Technology yang memperkecil hambatan tenaga akibat gesekan sehingga tenaga mesin menjadi lebih optimal. Forged Piston yang memiliki daya tahan tinggi dan ringan sehingga mampu menyalurkan tenaga mesin yang besar serta menjadikan motor lebih mudah berakselerasi.

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Mesin All New Jupiter Z1 yang didukung teknologi Fuel Injection  membentuk high performance karena akselerasi yang lebih responsif dan pastinya cocok buat balapan. All New Jupiter Z1 tidak hanya performance-nya yang tinggi tetapi juga dilengkapi bodi motornya yang didesain lebih efisien untuk menembus angin, mudah bermanuver dan menikung meskipun saat traffic jam. Dengan All New Jupiter Z1, berkendara semakin nyaman sebab perpindahan gigi dan suara mesin lebih halus, dan kelebihan lain yang paling disukai konsumen ialah cara perawatannya lebih mudah.

Spesifikasi mesinnya tipe mesin 4-langkah, 2 valve, SOHC, berpendingin udara dan berkapasitas 113,7 cc. Mesinnya mampu menghasilkan tenaga hingga 10,06 PS di putaran 7.750 rpm dengan torsi puncak mencapai 9,9 Nm di 6.500 rpm.

All New Jupiter Z1 selain berteknologi tinggi, Yamaha memperhatikan betul hal-hal lain dengan memilihnya striping atau grafis-grafis yang menarik dan unik menghgiasi bodi motor. Grafisnya bertemakan gold metal dragon heart (naga emas dari emas yang tengah mencakar). Yamaha mengambil elemen material metal untuk memperkuat kesan canggih modern. Grafis unik All New Jupiter Z1 disematkan pada cover side dan leg shield. Desain pada bodi All New Jupiter Z1 bertambah menarik dengan tulisan Fuel Injection pada leg shield kanan dan kiri. Lalu di dekat front panel ada stiker All New Jupiter Z1.

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Hero bike warna putih dibuat beda sendiri dengan tiga warna dasarnya putih dikombinasikan dengan merah dan hitam. Warna merah ditempatkan pada center backbone, ini pertama kalinya warna merah ada di bagian itu untuk motor bebek di Indonesia. Merah menggambarkan kecanggihan Fuel Injection. Warna putih kombinasi merah dan hitam hanya buat All New Jupiter Z1 CW (Cast Wheel). Varian velg racing itu tersedia juga empat warna lainnya, biru kombinasi warna hitam, hitam dengan hitam, hijau hitam dan merah hitam. Untuk empat warna itu bagian centre backbone nya berwarna hitam.

Harga dari All New Jupiter Z1 yang dikeluarkan yaitu untuk All New Jupiter Z1 CW (Cast Wheel) dan All New Jupiter Z1 SW (Spoke Wheel). Untuk on the road Jakarta dan wilayah sekitarnya, All New Jupiter Z1 CW dibanderol seharga 15,1 juta rupiah. Harga ini naik 500 ribu rupiah dibandingkan sebelumnya 14,6 juta rupiah. Sedangkan All New Jupiter Z1 SW harganya 14,3 juta rupiah, jadi lebih murah 300 ribu rupiah.

All New Jupiter Z1 tetap dengan karakter cepat namun memiliki mesin baru dan berteknologi FI, sesuai tagline-nya "Yang Lain Semakin Ketinggalan Lagi" dan key message Mesin Baru, Fuel Injection, Performa Semakin Dahsyat.


Semoga informasi tentang Sepeda Motor Bebek Injeksi Kencang dan Irit Jupiter Z1 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda khususnya pecinta dunia otomotif.    Untuk informasi lebih lengkap anda bisa akses di   
10:07 PM | 11 comments | Read More

Wholesale Sweets

What to consider when buying wholesale treats

Buying wholesale sweets must be one of the most fun purchases you can make. If buying sweets is fun, buying large quantities in wholesale sweets is triple the fun. Whether you need to purchase wholesale sweets for your business, special occasions such as kids’ parties or just to have in stock for the whole family, buying wholesale sweets is easy and economical. When buying in bulk you can enjoy the savings in costs as well as still having a huge variety of wholesale sweets to choose from. This is a great solution if you just would like your own personal stash on hand for whenever the mood strikes or to hand out fun treats to the kids if they pop by. Also, when you buy wholesale sweets you get to enjoy free delivery and saves you carrying them home.

The benefits of purchasing wholesale treats

There are huge benefits to purchasing wholesale sweets. Firstly when you buy large quantities, you usually enjoy substantial cost savings. Also free delivery is often included in your purchase of wholesale sweets if you buy over a certain amount. This saves travel time and unnecessary costs in travel or petrol. Probably the biggest advantage when buying wholesale sweets is you typically have access to a wider variety of sweets than you would by going to small specialist shops.

Where is the best selection of wholesale sweets available in the UK today?

For the best selection of wholesale sweets available in the market today, go online and visit for a huge variety of sweets and treats all at great prices. They specialise in pre-packed wholesale sweets and are the cheapest sweets available anywhere. Check out their pick and mix stands of wholesale sweets for amazing low prices which can be shipped anywhere in the UK.
by: Gareth Hoyle
12:02 AM | 0 comments | Read More

African Mango Extract

African mango is the latest superfood that is taking the US health and weight loss market by storm.

Researchers have stated that the African mango might possibly be one of the greatest breakthroughs in the health and diet industry in recent years.

Contributes to significant weight loss

Proven to lower cholesterol levels
Reduces blood sugar levels after meals
Stops hunger and cravings

What Is In African Mango?

African mango is derived from the seeds of the Invingia Gabonensis tree which is found in western Africa. Locally, it is known as ‘bush mango' or ‘wild mango'.

Each capsule contains 600mg of pure African Mango

The African Mango diet is one the hottest and newest trends in weight loss today. African mango is a weight loss supplement that specifically targets belly fat. The supplement helps users burn fat and cleanse their systems thoroughly. It's know to purify the blood and eliminate bad enzymes within the body. It stimulates metabolism accentuation and gets the body moving fast and burning fat regularly. Mango's grown in Africa has distinct qualities and the ingredients are unlike any other mango found on the planet.

It looks like every single few months a brand new wonder weight loss pill hits industry, the most recent getting the particular African Mango Diet Pill. Are these kinds of tablets well worth that, or even are they the newest way to consider your hard earned money and obtain your desires upwards prior to causing you to be no more healthy before you decide to got all of these? Let us take a look. The facts?

Statistical figures about obesity are quite shocking. Everyone knows that obesity has attained epidemic proportions in the U.S. Surveys show that over 1.7 billion people in the world are overweight. Moreover, there are billions of people who need to lose the extra pounds to stay in the range of normal weight for their height. Fad diets have proven to be disastrous for many dieters. Now is the time to take action. Take a look at the natural weight loss supplements that work and choose a suitable one for you.

Effective Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Bitter Orange: The plant named Citrus aurantium is commonly known as bitter orange. It carries several medicinal properties and the extracts of its flowers and leaves have been a part of traditional Chinese medicines. These days, the plants are grown in California and Florida. Manufacturers of the weight loss supplement claim that 'bitter orange weight loss supplement' works as natural, herbal appetite suppressant. By reducing your appetite, the supplement helps reduce weight. Whatever studies were conducted, showed that the supplement led to increased metabolism and weight loss. Some studies showed that octopamine and synephrine from bitter orange can affect heart health seriously. So people diagnosed with heart diseases should stay away from bitter orange. Overdose can result in life threatening side effects like stroke, blood in stools, diarrhea, chest pain or blurred vision. Many diet pills contain bitter orange, so one should read the labels carefully and follow the instructions strictly.

Irvingia Gabonensis: Irvingia gabonensis or African mango or bush mango is native to the West Africa and Southeast Asia. The tree produces mango like fruits which are being consumed by the local people since hundreds of years. The seeds of these fruits are useful for weight loss. This supplement is one of the latest natural weight loss supplements that work. The seeds of this plant were used as medicine by the local inhabitants. Manufacturers claim that irvingia gabonensis extract helps lower cholesterol levels. It also reduces fat deposits. The extract is obtained from the nuts (seeds) of African mango. The nuts are rich in soluble fiber which helps remove cholesterol from the body. The supplement prevents growth of fat cells. It is believed that the supplement helps stabilize glucose levels and hence, is good for diabetics. More studies are required to prove the benefits for diabetics. Those who want to take this supplement, should stick to a low calorie diet and a good exercise regimen. Following the instructions regarding the dosage is essential, otherwise you may suffer from side effects like flatulence, headaches, sleep problems, etc. Browse through another article 'safe and natural weight loss supplements' on buzzle for more information.

Green Tea: The extract from green tea boosts your rate of metabolism and promotes natural weight loss. Green tea is an important Chinese medicine. In China, green tea has been successfully used to control weight. It is used in some diet pill formulas. The element 'Epigallocatechin Gallate' (EGCG) from green tea makes it a perfect ingredient for natural weight loss supplements for men and women.

Whey Protein: Whey powder is produced from milk and it is the best source of high quality protein. It keeps you energetic and fit. You can add whey protein powder to water or milk. Whey protein keeps you healthy and active. It keeps you satiated for a long time and curbs your food craving. Whey protein thus helps you maintain a good body mass index ratio. Besides, the immunoglobulins present in whey protein help strengthen your immune system. It promotes the production of glutathione, an antioxidant which helps reduce the effects of free radicals on the body.

Ayurvedic Supplements: Trifala, Guggul extract, Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Shilajit, aloe vera, gotu kola, trikatu (black pepper, ginger and pippali or Indian long pepper in correct proportions), barberry, etc. help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and also help improve your digestive health. You may also like to read through some of the best ayurvedic medicines for weight loss that you could adhere to.

While taking weight loss supplements, maintaining a positive and healthy mental approach to food can make a lot of difference. You should also find out the reason behind excessive weight and try to remove the cause. Understanding and analyzing the underlying causes of unhealthy eating habits can help solve the problem of obesity. Good eating habits and regular exercise can help maintain your weight and they can also improve your overall physical and mental health.

A healthy low calorie diet complemented with exercise has to be followed religiously, if you want to see the effects of weight loss supplements. Natural weight loss supplements that work also expect you to follow a balanced diet and perform regular exercises. Kids, pregnant and nursing women should not take these supplements. Those who want to take these supplements need to discontinue them after a month or so, to avoid possible side effects. Consulting a physician regarding the dosage and, possible uses and side effects of a supplement is always safe. You should consult your health care provider before opting for any weight loss supplements.

It is recommended that 2 capsules are taken per day, preferably first thing in the morning with breakfast.

African Mango comes in bottles of 60 capsules, sufficient for one month's use.

The Research Behind African Mango

Although African Mango has long played a nutritional and medicinal role amongst the people of west Africa, research into its powers as a weight loss aid did not commence until very recently.

What has been discovered, is that African Mango helps weight loss (20x higher than a placebo group), improves cholesterol levels and balances blood glucose levels. The test group also showed a reduction of 6.3% in body fat over the trialed period.

Click here for more information on African Mango diet pills.

by: Allan Silva
12:00 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Bulalo - Filipino Beef Soup

When you go to different parts of the Philippines, you’ll see variations of foods and recipes that you haven’t seen before. Many provinces have their own proud recipe, their unique trademark when it comes to food. One province that I know is Batangas. Famous as the cattle raising region of the Philippines, Batangeños found their own unique way of cooking their specialty – Bulalo. Bulalo or beef bone marrow soup in English, has win hearts of many Filipinos over the years, and has been a Filipino soup favourite. The hotter this soup is the better. So now, let’s discover how this soup is cooked. A unique Philippine food cooked the Filipino way!

Estimated preparation time is 10 minutes, cooking time is two hours and 30 minutes. Here are the ingredients:

• 2 kg beef bone marrow, have your butcher chop it into small pieces

• 1 kg boneless beef shank or stewing beef

• 1 onion, peeled and sliced

• 3 liters water

• 2-3 medium potatoes, peeled and quartered

• 2-3 saba (plantain) bananas, each cut into two pieces

• 1 whole medium cabbage, quartered

• 3-4 tablespoons fish sauce (patis)

• Salt and pepper to taste

Now, that you have all the ingredients ready, let’s start cooking. First, blanch bone marrow and boneless beef shank or stewing beef in hot boiling water for a while and rinse in cold running tap water to get rid of scum and blood. Next, place bone marrow and onion in a stockpot, pour in the 3 liters of water and bring to the boil. Then, lower heat and simmer for about 40 minutes. Add the boneless beef shank or stewing beef and return to the boil. When it boils, lower heat and simmer until beef is tender, about 1 to 1½ hours. A good tip to do when tenderizing beef is to use jackfruit leaves, it helps on tenderizing the beef faster. Now, add the potatoes and bananas. Let it simmer until potatoes and bananas are tender, this may take about 10 to 15 minutes. Afterwards, add the cabbage and stir in fish sauce, salt and pepper to taste. And finally, cook the whole mixture until cabbage is tender-crisp, this would be about 2 minutes. Serve with rice. And that’s it!

Beef, the primary ingredient of bulalo, is a good source of minerals, such as zinc, selenium, phosphorus and iron, and B vitamins. See, bulalo is not just a good soup; it’s a healthy soup as well.

Cooking this beef recipe might take time, because of the beef. The beef should be tender enough for you to chew; it’s hard to eat beef when it’s not tender enough (remember that!). Another good thing to add in this recipe is to use bouillon cubes, there are many commercial products who sell this cubes in beef flavour. This would add taste to your bulalo.

Preparing dishes for your family is always fun, because you know that what you are cooking is safe, delicious, and healthy. So, why not try this Filipino recipe, Bulalo, for your next dish? It’s not just delicious, but also good for the health. Happy eating!

by: Jamie Omugtong
11:54 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Shopping for wine on the Internet

Shopping for wine on the Internet is a lot different than shopping for wine at a brick and mortar wine shop; Wine, after all, isn't like a book or CD. Holding a bottle, inspecting its label, you just can't replicate that experience inside a browser window. The fact is that even though it is not the same as being at a wine shop in person, buying wine online has many advantages.

The ability to do comparison shopping is unbeatable. With search engines like and of course Google, you no longer have to go to the wine; the wine will come to you. Cross referencing the latest wine reviews and scores and top recommendations is delightfully easy, and particularly enjoyable when you can do it at home in your bathrobe on a Saturday morning.

The ability to buy wine online from wine merchants who sell via a website is a good example of how the Internet can be of great benefit to both the wine merchants and the consumer who decides they want to buy wine online.

All online web merchants are not created equal. Certain things separate the top wine merchant’s websites from the second tier wine retailers. Ease of use and good customer service are critical and so is price. But at the end of the day, what really counts is variety and availability. There are many wine merchant websites to choose from, ranging from huge, super sites to tiny, quirky specialists, these e-merchants can procure great wines in top condition.

Buying wine online also allows the wine aficionado to search out that rare or obscure item that would have likely not have ever been found by physically looking in traditional wine shops. The world of wine buying has truly been revolutionised by online wine merchants. The online wine buyer has at their disposal thousands and thousands of bottles of whatever type and vintage they may prefer, and often at bargain prices. With the advent of online wine selling, dealers have been forced to adjust their prices now that comparison shopping is so easy.

Like with any online purchase, the person who chooses to buy wine online needs to exercise a reasonable amount of caution; there are unscrupulous online wine merchants out there. The majority of online wine merchant’s websites are legitimate, honest dealers, but there is always the small percentage that is out to dupe the unwary wine buyer. A little research into the history of a particular online wine merchant is a prudent measure, and fairly easy to accomplish; do a search on any of the major search engines for the merchant in question, and usually if there have been issues in the past there will be plenty of people who have posted complaints or warnings in newsgroups, blogs, and wine forums.

Overall, online wine merchants provide the internet wine buyer a tremendous opportunity to get a wide selection of great wines at bargain prices.

by: David Kelly 
11:51 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Why Should You Purchase a Glass Juicer?

There are several shapes and sizes of juicers in the market. These kitchen appliances may vary in appearance, but they have only one function - to extract juice from fruits or vegetables. If you are the type of person that is always on the go, a good juicer is a staple in your kitchen. You can still receive the great benefits of natural vitamins and minerals by gulping down fresh juice every day. This kitchen tool definitely gives you convenience in juicing, as well as excellent effects to your health.

When choosing the type of juicer to purchase, you should consider several points. If you want something handy yet performs well in juicing, you might like glass juicers. There is no doubt on the lightweight and handy features of this type of juicer. These are small and weigh less than the power juicers in the market. Because of the handiness of these juicers, you can bring them anywhere. If you are going on a trip to the beach or a picnic, it is easy to take a glass juicer with you. With this juicer, you can make fresh juice anytime you want and anywhere you are. In addition, you can use this juicer conveniently because it does not require electricity or battery. The ridged centre extracts juice easily, and it only requires your effort to produce a lot of juice - up to the last drop.

A glass juicer comes with a wide base that has a capacity of two cups. It has a spout and a handle that lets you pour out the content in a container, with much ease. You get to enjoy a delightful and nutritious drink; and you can even share the other cup with a friend. You can also rely on the durability and solid construction of this juicer. This comes with 100 percent thick glass that will not easily get chipped or break into pieces. With proper care and maintenance, this juicer will definitely last for several years.

This type of juicer is also hygienic. It does not contain lead or any harmful chemicals, unlike those made from plastic. It is also easy to clean a glass juicer; you can simply wash it under a faucet or in a dishwasher, just like how you normally wash your other dishes. You can be sure that no residue stays in the juicer. Moreover, there are no parts that need disassembling during clean up. Because this juicer comes in one piece, you will definitely have more efficiency and no hassle in keeping it clean and bacteria-free.

If you are fond of drinking fresh citrus juice every day, you will definitely love this type of juicer. In fact, a glass juicer is only perfect for oranges, lemons and grapefruits. With a glass juicer, you get to make fruit juice anytime - without any hassle at all. This kitchen tool may be simple, but the numerous benefits and affordable price make it a good buy.

by: Kenny Tan 
11:47 PM | 0 comments | Read More

What do you know about Vodka?

When you think about vodka you think about just hanging out with friends and having a great time. It is the time when people get together to share well times and create new memories. This is flavored drinks and cocktail hour.

Different Types of Vodka

Drinking vodka means that you have choices and options to the type that you are going to have. There are Russian vodkas, neutral vodka, flavored vodka and regional touch. With all of the brands of vodka that you have to choose from you may want to try them all to find a favorite. This can be especially tricky when you start looking at the vodka flavors that you have to choose from. The best vodka type is going to depend upon your taste. One that you may like to try is vodka red. The red vodka brands are special all on their own.

Popular Brands to Try

Perhaps you have seen brands other than Absolut when it comes to vodka but you may be undecided on trying something new. You can look at a vodka review to get an idea of which ones you may want to try so you can get an idea of what else is out there. A few are SKYY, Smirnoff and White Diamond. All great choices but, you are going to find that Absolut will rank number one and a little lower on the list is Stolichnaya. Again, good vodka does not need to be expensive as they are all a distilled drink.

Prices of Vodka

When you start to look at vodka prices you are going to notice that they can go from very cheap to very expensive. A vodka bottle can go from $20 or less (depending on the size and brand) to $60 and over. If you are looking to try something new you may want to check out a review to an idea on one that is expensive. That way you can make a decision on whether or not you want to even give it a chance.

Popular Vodka Drinks

Even if you do not like the taste of vodka on its own, you may like many of the mixed drinks that it is made with. It is even possible that you have a favorite and did not even know that vodka was in it. There are many vodka cocktails such as the salty dog, sex on the beach, screwdriver and even black Russian. Perhaps you have found your own vodka recipes that you like to create. These are a few of the more popular drinks that have people coming back for more. If you are worried about the calories in vodka than know that there are 64 to a shot and 69 in the flavored. Vodka mixes and vodka mixed drinks are going to be the ones that have the most calories in them.

A Few Facts

In the early 1800’s, vodka made its appearance and it did not take long before it became a household name. The brand of Absolut has its very own Hollywood Star and they support different functions and national sponsorship. Although they advertise drinking they are also about supporting the community and promoting safe drinking.

by: Dean Winchester 
11:44 PM | 0 comments | Read More

How to Make a Perfect Grilled Chicken

Grilling can be a fun, family activity during weekends. Spend your lazy afternoons in your backyard, and take out those grillers for a grilled chicken for your dinner.

Learning how to grill is not as hard as you would see on television. All you need is the proper temperature for your griller especially if you are using an electric grill. Nevertheless, if you have the conventional griller, try to find some dried wood or charcoal. Ignite the coals or wood by placing crumpled papers below each coal and then set the papers on fire. Do not pour gasoline on the coals or dried wood. The smoke coming from the coals will give a gasoline-like aroma to your grilled meat. These are your best weapons in grilling.

Choose the best part of the chicken. I usually use chicken thighs and legs since they are the fattiest parts of the chicken. These parts will yield a juicy, barbecued chicken. Although these may sound unhealthy, the taste is incredibly delicious. Some would still prefer grilling chicken breasts with the skins on.

Before you start grilling your chicken, do not forget to marinate them at least overnight. Yes, overnight. This is because the longer you marinade your meat, the better absorption of flavors happens. I prefer to use store-bought marinades as these save much preparation time in the kitchen. The downside of most ready-made marinades is their high sodium content. But if you have time, you can make your own marinade from scratch. In the recipe below, the marinade and the chicken were simmered together to speed up the process of grilling and also to let the flavors marry together. I like Asian-style marinades such as this:

For every kilo of chicken:

½ cup light soy sauce (available in the Asian section of grocery stores)

2-3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice

4 tablespoons brown sugar

1 medium stalk of lemon grass (pounded)

3 cloves crushed garlic

1 teaspoon sesame oil (optional)

Combine all the above ingredients in a heavy skillet and let it boil for two minutes. Add in the chicken and simmer for another five minutes. Drain the chicken in a colander and reserve the marinade for basting during grilling. Basting is necessary so that the chicken won’t dry out. The marinade can also be made as a sauce by making a basic roux. This is simply done by placing a tablespoon of butter on a non-stick pan and let it cook for minutes. Pour over the marinade and whisk until the sauce thickens. Taste the sauce and adjust the seasonings accordingly.

You can also opt to make a dry, rub marinade. This dry rub is comprised of herbs and spices and a little oil. For chicken, dried or fresh tarragon and rosemary blends together very well. If you want a spicier, grilled chicken, add a pinch of chili powder and cayenne pepper. There are limitless marinades for grilled chicken. A little imagination and creativity are the keys. Make sure that when grilling the chicken, never let the flame flare up. This will result in burnt chicken. This does not appeal both to the eyes and to the palate. If this occurs, sprinkle a little water over the flame. Some also like their grillers to be covered during the grilling process.

Personally, I liked mine uncovered. There is just something about the smoke which is, for me, the essence of grilling. Grilled foods are best served warm, right off the grill with some salads or other vegetables of your choice.

by: Angelica Florin
11:43 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Coffee Maker Style Guide

According to statistics, 52 percent of Americans are coffee drinkers. This translates to greater than 140 million people who drink coffee daily. Americans are a diverse population and far from unanimously agreeing on what makes a good cup of coffee. Happily, there are a number of different kinds of coffee makers available today.

Coffee lovers can select the brewing machine that matches their preferences. Common coffee maker styles include Automatic Drip, Automated Espresso, French Press, Percolator, Stovetop Espresso, and Vacuum style. Each has its own pros and cons and gives the person varying control over the end result.

Automatic Drip Coffee Maker

The automatic drip coffee maker might be the most popular alternative for Americans. This style is simple to make use of and are inexpensive to purchase. Most operate on the identical principle. Contained in the coffee pot is a filter basket where a paper filter holds the coffee grounds. Cold water is poured into the reservoir where it is heated before being poured over the grounds. The resulting coffee flows into a carafe. The brewed coffee is kept warm by the hot surface beneath the carafe.

Individuals who don't like to use automatic drip coffee makers complain that they do not make a very good cup of coffee. Keeping the coffee maker and carafe clean, utilizing quality coffee and disposable paper filters will help ensure a better result.

Automatic Espresso Coffee Maker

Automatic espresso coffee makers are available in semi-automatic, fully automatic and super automatic versions. Semi-automatic models tamp the coffee grounds, brew the coffee, fill the cup and eject grounds. Fully automatic models also grind the coffee. Super models supply all kinds of options, including built in water filters.

French Press Coffee Maker

French Press coffee makers are also referred to as press pots or plunger pots. The pot is a glass or porcelain cylinder which incorporates a stainless, mesh plunger that works as a filter.

The consumer measures coffee grounds into the pot and adds nearly boiling water. The plunger is put in place but not pushed till the coffee has steeped a number of minutes. After steeping, the plunger is pushed and the espresso is ready.

There is no hot surface to maintain coffee temperature so the coffee must be served instantly or placed into a thermal carafe of some sort.

Percolator Coffee Maker

Percolator coffee makers are available in range top types and in electric styles. Most modern ones are both electric and can be programmed. Some models make just one cup of coffee, others could make 12 cups at a time. The large coffee urns utilized by many organizations work on the percolation principle however brew more than one hundred cups of coffee at a time.

Percolator coffee makers are not used as often as they used to be. These machines constantly run the water over the grounds and the water is boiled. Many coffee lovers claim that both actions violate the legal guidelines of creating good coffee.

Coffee made via percolator tends to be stronger and often bitter tasting than coffee made with other brewing methods.

Vacuum Coffee Maker

Vacuum coffee makers look more like chemistry lab equipment than coffee machines. This type consists of two overlapped containers that are connected by a syphon tube. There's a filter in the bottom of the upper container.

The user places water in the lower container and coffee grounds within the upper container. The machine is then placed on top of the stove where the heated water vaporizes and passes through the syphon tube into the upper container.

A brewing cycle lasts roughly three minutes. When the unit is removed from heat, the vapor turns back to water and is forced through the filter and back into the lower container. Farberware created the first automatic vacuum coffee maker model whereas Sunbeam made the first truly automatic modern one.

Coffee lovers can choose from a wide variety of coffee makers. From cheap range top coffee pots to high end super automated coffee makers, there is a coffee maker for every choice as well as every budget.

by: Dr Bryan Stoker 
11:37 PM | 0 comments | Read More

A History of Chafing Dishes

Chafing dishes have been around for millennia and are a sort of indoor barbecue set in the form of charcoal-burning braziers and, possibly, the forerunner to the fondue set. Beautifully crafted bronze chafing dishes were found in the ruins of Pompeii, showing they were in during the first century AD. They were highly prized by the Romans at their lavish banquets and later mentioned in historical letters dating to 1520, when the Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, described to Charles V their profuse usage for keeping plates and dishes warm during sumptuous banquets for hundreds of gormandizing noblemen at the height of the Aztec empire. The sixteenth century baroque painter, Diego Velazquez, portrayed a woman preparing a meal of eggs in a chafing dish and Louis XV's kitchens used them to keep the dainty dishes for the epicurean courtiers piping hot. By the seventeenth century this form of cookware was being documented in household inventories in America.

Velasquez's chafing dish appears to be earthenware, but silver chafing dishes used as plate-warmers were mentioned during the reign of Queen Anne, at the end of the seventeenth century. It was George II, around the middle of the eighteenth century, who had the foresight to put handles on the chafing dishes, which must have made life so much easier for the cooks and scullery maids of the time! The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, exhibits a gleaming copper chafing dish with brass fittings dating to circa 1895. Copper is an ideal metal because it is hard-wearing and conducts heat evenly while the brass handles remain cool enough to lift and move around.

In the 1950s the hostess trolley was designed. This was essentially a large chafing dish (or series of dishes) on wheels in a wooden surround to imitate a piece of furniture. It was thought to liberate women from the kitchen, enabling her to prepare food in advance and keep it warm, while she entertained the guests along with her husband. These fell out of fashion relatively quickly as the penchant for formal dining declined along with tastes for food left standing on a hot plate for several hours! With the demise in popularity of the hostess trolley came the revival of the chafing dish, more versatile, space-saving, portable and attractive than the great wooden tiered hearse for plates.

Nowadays a silver chafing dish (or at least, silver plated) is a popular accessory to any dinner table and can cost as little as $15.00 and whether your taste runs to Princess House Fantasia collectibles or traditional silver salver serving trays, there will be a chafing dish out there to match your decor and tastes and make entertaining friends for dinner just that little bit easier for you.

by: Adam Kelly 
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