Everyday you meet someone new, which later on can be your new boss or
perhaps your new customer. Upon that first meeting, the person makes
snap judgments about you: Are you someone trustworthy? Do you look like
someone professional and credible? These judgments are often made at
lightning speed, mostly in just a span of seven seconds.
In business, first impression is important. Although you can’t stop
people from making snap judgments about you, you can always influence
those judgments to work in your favor. You can tell them to make
positive impression of you and encourage them to trust you. If you can
do this effectively, you will be able to develop long lasting
relationships with them. It will even result in a sale and repeat
purchases if you are able to hold that impression.
So, if you are attending meetings, conferences, and other business
events, what’s the best way to make a good first impression? A good
marketing material you can invest in is presentation folder printing.
Presentation folders when designed well will give you a competitive edge
against other business. They will allow you to give your customers and
prospects something they can take home with them. If your folder is able
to make an immediate impact to your prospects, the more they are likely
to keep it, which will help them remember you. If elegantly designed,
the folder will serve as a subtle marketing tool that will impress your
customers and prospects.
If you want to look professional and polished in front of people, it’s
time you get your own presentation folder. Here are a few ideas to help
you create the perfect folder to serve as your representation.
- Always include your business cards. Despite what other businesses
claim that smartphones and social media are the best way to exchange
contact details these days, you should still never go out of your home
or office without your business cards. Be sure to include them in your
folder so people will have an easy way to getting your contact details.
When they open your folder, the first thing they should see is your
card. If designed effectively, it would be so much easier for you to
convince your prospects to keep your card.
- It’s important to consider the size and shape of your folder. If you
want to draw attention to your folder, it would be best to invest in a
big folder. You can also go for a unique shape that will add to the
visual impact of your folder. Customizing the shape and size will surely
stir the curiosity of your customers and prospects. Of course, this
will cost you more than using a standard size and shape, but your
investment would surely be worth it.
- Use a different material. For instance, instead of using standard
paper, you can always opt for a recycled or texture paper. You can also
opt for embossing or engraving to give a different texture to your
- Full color printing is always a great way to brighten up your folder.
Attractive colors never fail to capture attention. It would be best if
you can invest in vibrant impressive colors to make your folder visually
Doing something unique with your presentation folder templates will
surely help make them creative and attractive. Remember that a visually
appealing folder can make the difference between a sale and bankruptcy,
so make sure that you folder gives you the best first impression you can
ever have.
Author : Charen Smith
I like your writing style : I love it.
Business Folder
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